What is Permaculture?

So, What is permaculture?

Permaculture isn’t a gardening technique; it’s a way of life that harmonises with nature, fostering sustainability and resilience. If you’re curious about what permaculture entails and how it can transform not only landscapes but mindsets, you’re in the right place.

Ethics of Permaculture

Permaculture, a term coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the 1970s, blends “permanent” and “agriculture” to describe a holistic approach to designing systems that mimic natural ecosystems. At its core, permaculture aims to create regenerative human habitats while considering ethics, principles, and design methodologies.

Permaculture is guided by three fundamental ethics:

  1. Earth Care: Respecting and nurturing the Earth’s ecosystems, soil, water, and biodiversity.
  2. People Care: Supporting individuals and communities to access resources, develop resilience, and enhance quality of life.
  3. Fair Share (or Fair Distribution): Sharing resources and surplus fairly among individuals, communities, and future generations.

Permaculture is not just about growing food; it’s about growing relationships—with the land, with each other, and with ourselves.

Permaculture In Action

Permaculture principles can be applied to various aspects of life, including agriculture, gardening, architecture, community development, and personal lifestyle choices. By observing and working with natural processes, permaculturists create productive and harmonious environments that regenerate the land and nourish communities.

Get Involved!

  • Whether you’re a seasoned gardener, an environmental enthusiast, or someone seeking sustainable solutions, permaculture offers practical tools and profound insights into living in harmony with the Earth.

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  • Explore our resources, courses, and community events to embark on your permaculture journey today. Let’s cultivate a world where humans and nature thrive together, one thoughtful action at a time.